Childhood Rivalry in Bali and New Guinea


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Childhood Rivalry in Bali and New Guinea剧情内容介绍

Childhood Rivalry in Bali and New Guinea

Depicts sibling rivalry among children of the same age in the two cultures of Bali and New Guinea by showing how they respond to the mother attending to another baby, the ear piercing of a younger sibling, and the experimental presentation of a doll. From the Character Formation in Different Cultures series. Produced by Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead. 1954

发布于1954年。由Gregory Bateson、Margaret Mead执导,


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Childhood Rivalry in Bali and New Guinea评价

  • 人类学纪录片,讲述了***和新几内亚女性如何哺育和带孩子。把处理孩子间关系的方式符号化,意义化,用来解释文化差异的塑造作用(胡说)

  • 记录一**判:影片的比较叙事过于依赖教育理论框架,存在正负感**彩。即:将***的亲子关系再现为来自母亲的戏耍和孩子对于获得母亲偏袒的其他儿童的嫉妒,将新几内亚的亲子关系再现为一种彼此兼顾、关怀的和谐关系。然而,如果引入精神分析的视角重新检视该现象,是否可以提出一个假设,即***的儿童已然度过了镜像阶段,存在更加明确的自我意识?因而,相较于新几内亚儿童,他们的善妒行为可否被视为一种标志,意味着他们能够更加清楚地将自身的存在与其他儿童、以及娃娃玩具区分开来?
