The Allins


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:纪录片 / 音乐
  • 地区: 丹麦
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The Allins剧情内容介绍

The Allins

In New Hampshire, a legend is buried. GG Allin, the most outrageous singer in rock'n roll history. He was known for defecating on stage, fighting and having *** with the audience. He died a mythological death from a ****** overdose in 1993, aged 37. Directed by the award-winning director Sami Saif, THE ALLINS is a ****** and entertaining look at the family of the departed rock ...

发布于2017年。由Sami Saif执导,并于2017-03-16(丹麦)公映的电影。


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The Allins评价

  • GG Allin家庭纪录片。与那些偏差行为以及表演奇观同为一体的,是个会在**里给母亲画玫瑰,对她说“so much has happened since then…but we are still a family”的人
