介绍: Star-gazingreachedincredibleheightsthousandsofyearsbeforetheHubble.Lea…… 更多古代玛雅:天文学工具介绍
古代玛雅:天文学工具原名:The Ancient Maya: Tools of Astronomy,
Star-gazing reached incredible heights thousands of years before the Hubble. Learn the amazing advances made by the ***** ancient culture of Central America. Take another fascinating trip through time to discover the precursors from centuries or even millennia ago of todays cutting-edge technological breakthroughs. Using the latest scholarship, hands-on demonstrations, and dram...
发布于2006年。由Jud Cremata执导,集众多位Michael Guillen等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2006公映的电影。